Monday, 11 October 2010

Self Evaluation - How To

What role(s) did you take on in the group ?

Poster designer, Group idea generator

How well do you think you preformed in the role(s)?

I believe the posters i created work well in the overall outcome and it all links together well with the packaging and the envelope that was created. All of this links together with the title that we give the project "balance"

How well do you think you worked as a group?

I think the group worked well together and everyone contributed to the final outcomes which all worked well. Each person carried there own weight and made sure that it all worked in unison with each other.

What were the positives of working in a group?

The idea generation process was a lot faster and we got onto designing the products straight away 

What were the negatives of working in a group ?

Harder to get some of the design work done as trying to get the whole group together at the same time to make decisions proved hard and also when you are waiting for certain aspects of the brief from someone who then is late can create a step back in your time limits

What will you do differently next time ?

Create the final outcomes and generate more work 

Where could you have improved your resolution ?

More information and packaging which could help out more 

What were the strengths of your presentation ?

The concept was strong and the speech worked well, this is what created a strong answer to the design brief and made this a successful answer to the problem.

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