Thursday, 26 January 2012

Session Feedback with Jane

Todays tutorial with Jane was a catch up session to go over again what we needed to have done by this point and what the rest of the module holds.

Topics covered:-

- presentation - has to be 8 mins long, the last 2 mins are for Q&A on the presentation and business - we should be coming up with action plans and organising our own group progress meetings to keep on top of the work load and progress further. We've already begun these meetings but we haven't been making full use of the action plan method so this is something we will incorporate into our group at each meeting - we went over the content of the presentation and what key things should be mentioned such as SWOT, PEST and 4_'s along with anything else that is needed for the presentation

other topics:-

- skills and services
- target audience
- self promotion
- competition
- financial considerations
- location

After this we reviewed the grading criteria and how the presentations run just to give us a heads up.

In response to this we had a meeting straight after the tutorial to go over a few things and talk about some of the topics discussed in more detail, specific to our group.

Notes from meeting:

- look up Re: companies to ensure its available
- look up leeds branding - investigate what they offer and how we can differ and compete with them
- need to find a niche
- audience
- picking up freelance work now to build a financial base for when we take the business live
- this would build a client base
- availability of college facilities and affordability
- students on other course such as fashion and photography may need work doing and this builds on a networking level to gain more contacts for specific fields of work ing certain jobs, for example, photography for an editorial layout of publication
- personal assets - what we can give to the business that we have already at this point
- LOCATION - this is the main obstacle at the moment as it may define a lot of the above

ACTION PLAN - 17/01/2012

We've made a list of potential places that we could set up a business, we listed Manchester, Leeds, London, Huddersfield, Sheffield, Liverpool, Birmingham and Warrington. The plan is that we each pick two to go away and research further covering these specific topics:-

- competitors in the area
- collaborators
- networking opportunities
- cost of rent of the building
- costs of hot desking/ meeting room hire/ flexible working
- SWOT analysis
- living arrangements
- transport
- educational opportunities

The second task we have set for the action plan is to go over our own personal assets that we can bring to the company to help kick start it and reduce the overhead costing for out first year or two. This could be:-

- computers
- software
- tablets
- printers
- phones
- books
- televisions/alternative monitors
- furniture if necessary

The next group meeting will be the day before our next tutorial Monday the 23rd 

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